So why the change? We wanted our brand to reflect the modern approach we bring to the age-old practice mother nature has shown us. Innovation is one of our key values and is reflected in every aspect of our business – including our brand. Worms Downunder (WDU) has been around for over 15 years so it was time our look appropriately matched the journey we’re heading on.
Thanks to the help of the very talented Elli Byrne, we’ve been able to create a brand that echoes the warmth you feel when stepping outside to get your hands dirty – with a sense of purpose and a reflection of our ‘why’. Our mission is all about fostering a connection with nature and letting her guide the way and Elli’s done a fantastic job of communicating this. Our new logo represents the connection of worms with nature, ecosystems, community, circular economy and regenerative agriculture.

Our online presence was also well overdue a revamp, so we’ve aligned our new brand with a full redevelopment of our website. Thanks to Nikki from Seedling Digital we’ve created (the ‘royal we’ that is… mainly all thanks to Nikki’s incredible design and development skills) a fun and easy-to-use platform for you to get educated, equipped and get involved in the vermicomposting revolution.
We also wanted to approach this new chapter by introducing you to the team behind the farmgate at WDU, from customer service to the manufacture of our worm habitats and production of our Worm Cast Extract (also known as ‘Worm Juice’). We’re a team of friendly faces at WDU, working with nature to create a positive impact and always experimenting to evolve our offering – ensuring you’re getting the most innovative, effective solutions. More than anything we want your experience at Worms Downunder to be a positive and inspiring one that equips you with the tools you need to achieve the best results for managing your waste, feeding your soil and beyond.